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The Power of a Choir: What makes singing together so special
“Some people will always be deaf to the beauty of your song. Don’t stop singing.” Trudi Jane
There are many physiological and psychological benefits to music. Whether you play an instrument or sing, or just love listening to music, there is no doubt that music making exercises the brain as well as the body.
Music improves our sense of happiness and wellbeing. How many times have you sat at busy traffic lights in your car and turned up the volume when your favourite song comes on? There’s something about singing along that naturally lifts your spirits and takes away the stress of everyday life.
Everyone can sing, even if it’s in the shower, making it an incredibly accessible way of staying healthy and happy. Listening to music is great, but actively singing is even better. It is an excellent way of improving breathing, posture and muscle tension. Anyone who sings regularly will tell you that singing not only improves your mood, but it can also help to ease aches and pains. This is probably due to the release of endorphins, nature’s very own painkillers.

Pair this with singing together as a group and the feel-good factor is increased significantly. And not only that, singing as part of a choir can be cognitively stimulating. Whether you read music or ‘learn by ear’, singing gives your brain a really good workout. Being in a choir leads to a feeling of being connected with each other, leading to a sense of community and belonging. For people who live on their own, or for those going through difficult times, this connectivity and mental stimulation is often a lifeline.
During the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, choirs were unable to sing together in person, and whilst many choirs continued online, they were immediately confronted with the complications of singing virtually. Many members were daunted by the technology and were virtually singing alone in their bedrooms with only the small boxes on the computer screen as their connection to their choir members.
Gradually as lockdowns eased, choir members tentatively made their way back, finding a new path through the rules and regulations, using regular testing and good ventilation as way to come back together.
As we head towards the spring of 2022 there will no doubt be a few ‘hiccups’ along the way, but one thing is for certain, we shall be singing together, loud and clear and from our hearts.
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